摘 要:为了区分电动机轴承不同的故障,介绍了时间序列转化为符号序列的信号粗粒化问题,给出了二进制符号化规则。根据符号序列Shannon熵计算方法以及符号序列编码方法,得出了轴承振动信号的熵值。根据实测数据计算表明,描述符号序列总体特征的Shannon熵能够反映轴承不同故障的特征。
Abstract: The field coils which placed around the field poles were important parts of motor.The fields coils had been wond by hand for a long time.The low quality of the coil restricted the developmentment of the motor.Making use of the modern mechanism design theory,integrating the computer information processing technology with the modern sensor and testing technology and automatic control theory intelligentizes the winding machine.The intelligent winding-machine for flat-copper wire with hydraulic system made a landmark in the motor industry.
Key Words: Intelligent;Micro-controller;Hydraulic;Magnetic direction valve;Winding machine;Control system;Motor