摘 要:采用AVR单片机Mega48作为主控制心片,设计一种通用的三相步进电机运动控制系统。运动控制模式的转动方向、转动速率和转矩数通过键盘输入;运用中断方式可实时改变步进电机的运动控制模式。实践表明,该系统运行简单方便,可靠性高。 关键词:单片机;步进电机;运动控制;软件设计;硬件设计
Abstract: A master control chip is adopted on AVR MCU of ATMEL Mega48,and design the movement control system of a common threephase step motor.Running direction,rotation rate and steps of its movement control mode can be set through the keyboard,also movement control mode of step motor can be changed by interruption at any time.The practice shows the running of the system is simple and convenient and reliability of the system is excellent. Key Words: MCU;Step motor;Movement control;Software design;Hardware design