摘 要:降低齿槽转矩通常是永磁电机设计的主要目标之一。综述了永磁无刷直流电动机齿槽转矩的主要设计措施,包括采用分数槽绕组、优化磁极极弧宽和槽口宽、不等气隙、斜极和斜槽、磁极分段错位、磁极偏移、齿顶开辅助凹槽等,可供设计者参考。
Abstract:Reducing cogging torque is one of great imporance in the design of a PM brushless motors.This paper synthetically discusses major mthods to reduce cogging torque,including the use of fractional slot windings,the optimization of the magnet shape and slot opening,the skewing of the rotor of stator,magnet shifting,auxiliary stator and so on.